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  I wrote this in 2015; it is now 2025; I neglected to post it.  I didn’t know who Bruce Jenner was until he ‘identified’ as a woman. The st...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


From the National Post. The coelacanth (pronounced seal-uh-cant) was supposed to have gone extinct more than 50 million years ago. A fisherman caught a live one in 1938. This event should cause our scientists to question the ‘science that has gone before.’ That ‘science’ is the Evolutionary Hypothesis. “’How can a creature exist that long without changing?’ asks biologist Tony Ribbink of the South African Institute of Aquatic Bio-Diversity…It makes us question all the science that has gone before. This animal should be extinct. I want to know if the enigma can be explained.”

I once heard a Christian apologist state that “true science is observable, repeatable, testable, and measurable.” This has the ring of common sense. In other words, in the words of Henry Morris in Evolution and the Modern Christian, “science…means knowledge—not theories, opinions, beliefs, or philosophies, but actual, verified, factual, certain knowledge” (p. 41.) Evolution says that this fish ought to have evolved into something else by now or died out. But look at the picture. That it exists in an animate condition just as it did before is observable. Its present existence is measurable and testable because that's what the scientists are doing in the picture. And finally, the whole process is repeatable because more than one coelacanth has been landed in recent times. True Science then, not just the Bible, is at odds with Evolution. Evolutionists mock Christians for believing that dinosaurs lived in recent times when the coelacanth that was just caught was like discovering a living dinosaur! “It was like discovering a dinosaur,” the journalist wrote.

Biologist Tony Ribbink wants ‘to know if the enigma can be explained.’ About spotting the coelacanth in its oceanic habitat, diver Pieter Venter said, “It was so weird, like from another world…like seeing a UFO.” Will these men come to a competent judgment about the existence of this UFO-like enigma? It depends how much their opinions are, or remain, prejudiced in favor of a Theory that is disputed by their scientific findings. “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings to search out a matter” (Proverbs 25.2.) Enigmas are searched out to their proper end by acknowledging God. The enigma is solved in the Bible. No fish existed 50 million years ago. 

Evolution is what the Bible calls “science falsely so called” (1 Timothy 6.20.) When Christians get too chummy with secular universities, and dependent on them financially, they are prone to compromise by professing to believe too much concerning Evolution, and so ‘err concerning the [Christian] faith’ (verse 21.) Any Theory that is embarrassed by the appearance of a creature that the Theory asserts to have gone extinct millions of years ago should be avoided about as much as this one avoids God, who is the only Answer respecting the Origin of Anything and Everything besides himself. He is the First Cause that reason tells us there must be in order to anything besides God existing. Verifiable facts and logic are on the Creationist side.