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Divine Intervention of Biblical Proportion for President Trump

Why do I say ‘President Trump’ instead of ‘former President Trump’? I say ‘President Trump’ because he was actually elected by the American...

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Divine Intervention of Biblical Proportion for President Trump

Why do I say ‘President Trump’ instead of ‘former President Trump’? I say ‘President Trump’ because he was actually elected by the American people in 2020 for a second term. The fact that the Democrats cheated him out of his second mandate means that he legitimately had it. Now he might earn a third mandate. There could be many reasons why Trump, by the grace of God, dodged that bullet on July 13th. Patriots hope that it was because God is clearing the path for Trump’s victory in 2024. At the very least, God will make it clear, I think, whether by Trump’s third mandate going forward, by his mandate being stolen from him for the second time, or by his assassination, that Trump is the people’s choice. No one believes that Trump will legitimately lose in 2024: except for the politically ignorant or the thoroughly brainwashed.  

How did Trump evade assassination on July 13th? God can cause a carefully aimed bullet to penetrate an ear instead of a brain by having the targeted head turn just in time. We know this because he took the life of a king by making an arrow shot at random to strike between the joints of his harness (1 Kings 22; 2 Chronicles 18.) This incident is recorded twice for us to drive home the lesson. The contrasting parallel between what happened to King Ahab and President Trump (the former singled out by God for death and the latter singled out by God for life) makes it particularly wicked and risky to be wishing that Trump had been assassinated and hoping that he yet will be. Lusting for the blood of a man that God so obviously saved from assassination is to stand, not with God, but with lying spirits, false prophets, and Satan himself. God spared the life of Donald Trump by a moment of grace. Will he do the same for you? Will your next call be a close call or your last call?